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Showing posts from March, 2014

Make your world bigger

I have recently become obsessed with travel photos.  It has opened my eyes to so many places I never even knew existed!  There is beauty everywhere! I find myself wanting to see them all, explore them! I've realized that our worlds can become quite small when we settle on whats around us.  We get into this groove of our daily schedules, chores and habits that our world closes in around us. I want to have broader horizons!  Feel, smell, view, taste amazing cultures and breathtaking views.... the more I learn of other places and other ways of life, the more I feel just how small I am and how great our world and Creator are!  I also love how broader horizons can change a small-minded person into an open-minded person!  Its not just about traveling, vacationing... its about experiencing and becoming more. Make YOUR world bigger! #travel #broaderhorizons #openminded

When I grow up.....

My daughter says to me often, "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be just like you!" For some reason, this feels like the greatest compliment I've ever received!  The fact that my little girl has seen me lose my cool, lose my temper, make mistakes, have to apologize and yet she still wants to be like me... a little overwhelming.  Granted, she is only 5 and I am sure this will change throughout her teen years.. but it has caused me some ponderings. My son wants to grow up and be as strong and smart as his Daddy.    These sentiments tug at my hearts strings but also make me sad to know that one day, he's going to be made aware of the fact that his Dad cant do everything, or fix everything, know everything... My daughter is also going to one day see that I am imperfect.... definitely not who she wants to be like. But what if it doesn't have to be that way?  I've been thinking lately, how nice it would be if the day our chil...