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What motivates our efforts?

 A little over a year ago, I made an intentional decision to give meaningful effort and energy to people who meant a lot to me. I was changing jobs and was going to be seeing some of these people less and was feeling that in a big way. I invited them to my home for a fun gathering.  I wrote a personalized message to each of them sharing what they meant to me, and gave it with a small gift. Following that, I made efforts to reach out, dropping gifts by their homes, sending notes, texts, flowers etc. Then I gradually eased off, seeing who responded. The majority didn't.  While this was to be expected, it was also disappointing. During this time, I started building new relationships. Then, a big unexpected move happened. Again, it was going to change who I saw on the regular basis. I wanted to keep connection.  I wanted them in my life.  So I wrote, texted, sent gifts, etc. Some responded, some reciprocated, but most didn't. And then it hit me. If I am doing these things simply fo
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When something is reciprocated, it does a multitude of things for us. When love, gifts, efforts, words, actions, are reciprocated, it's like validation that they were given to the right person. We all have experienced opening our hearts to someone only to have them either reject it or just not give theirs back. That always hurts. I have been thinking lately about relationships in which the sharing and loving isn't balanced. I am a person who loves quickly and genuinely cares about people after not much time with them. Even though this is who I am, there is still a hesitation to share all of my heart. This heart of mine has been battered a few too many times.  This means that when I do share my heart, it is not flippantly. Sharing all of me, is an intensely vulnerable thing and comes at a cost.  When it seems it is reciprocated, and the  person shares theirs back, it means the world.  I have had this happen, only to discover later, that that's not how they saw it. They saw

It is now

 If ever there was a time when we needed to be brave, it is now. If ever there was a time to be bold, it is now. If ever there was time to listen, it is now. If ever there was a time to look upward instead of around, it is now. If ever there was a time to encourage, it is now. If ever there was a time to be sensitive, it is now. If ever there was time for the hard conversations, it is now. We cannot wait for when it feels easy or comfortable.  That is pointless and a waste. The time is now. We could so easily become discouraged or bitter, but the time to dig deep and stand up for what is right is now. There is no other time. If change is needed, help be the change. If kindness is needed, be kind. If a bridge is what is needed, build the bridge. If compassion is needed, show compassion. The time for courage and conviction-turned-to-action, is now. The world is full of what can discourage, hurt and harm, but we cannot let those parts win.  The time to unite, to face things together, is n

When what we feel doesn't match what we know

 Have you ever had moments where you feel something so strongly that your brain argues with it? Like maybe your feelings are hurt deeply even thought logically you understand you shouldn't feel hurt? Those who feel things deeply sometimes face this more frequently and it can be exhausting. One of the most important things is to realize that what people feel is real, even if the reasoning isn't. What we feel can be powerful and consuming, and even if it doesn't always seem rational, it's still felt. May we remember this and be able to show compassion to those who are hurting, even if why they're hurting doesn't make sense to us.  Trust that their pain is real and the best role to fill is to be a support and encouragement, rather than trying to force logic into a situation it doesn't exist. You do not have to understand someone's loss, pain, or suffering to be kind and supportive to them. I have had many moments in my life where I felt things intensely and