Last night, my daughter brought a handwritten note to me and read it out loud. "Dear Mommy, Maybe tomaro we can go to a store togethr, just me and you". Then there was a little heart and an "i love mom". Sigh.... SO, today guess what we did? We went to the store. There is a small town 10 miles away that has a few stores open on Saturdays and we went "shopping". After looking for something she could buy for her brother, we walked back to the car holding hands and singing "do you want to build a snowman".... Not worrying if anyone heard us or looked, just enjoying being together. As we walked, I wondered "How did I get so lucky to have a such a sweet, generous little girl?!" We then put our present for her brother in the car and went into a little place for a latte for me and a hot chocolate for her. Sitting there with my daughter I realized, these are the kinds of moments Im going to cherish forever. We were in the tow...
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