Some years ago, a close friend of mine lost her husband in a tragic accident. I was able to fly down and be with her during the planning for the funeral, and a few days afterward. A while after I had been back home, it was laid on my heart to send her some "just thinking of you" flowers. When I picked the delivery date, it was the earliest option available. When she received them, she let me know right away how touched she was I remembered it was his birthday. My heart stopped for a second. I hadn't remembered his birthday. I am embarrassed to admit, I had never really known his birthday, facebook had always reminded me. I truly didn't know. I had been moved to send flowers and I did it. It ended up being delivered on a meaningful day. How often are we prompted to do something in our hearts that doesn't seem to have a specific reason? I know it has happened to me several times. Often, it ends up being a moment like this one with the flowers. Meaningful, and fo...
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