There are some things that parents can all relate too, that are difficult, funny, hard etc. This poses the question: If they are ALL common occurrences, why wasn't there a warning label? For example, No one told me that: 1. The phrase "Slept like a baby" really means. "sleeps through anything and everything, anywhere, BUT only for a few short hours at a time." This was misleading information 2. Even though baby clothes are super tiny, it WILL add a load of laundry per day. Why? Well, because of having to change baby multiple times due to spit ups and messes. 3.One of the most painful experience of your life will be stepping on a Lego piece.... barefoot. 4. All the ideas you have about how to parent perfectly, will disappear when the child is born. 5. From pregnancy on, you will be offered advice and opinions on everything from correcting your child, to feeding your child, whether you want it or not. Its like being pregnant or ...
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