Most of the time when we have that fun conversation about "what would you do if you won the lottery", every single person has travel in their list of things they would do once debts were paid and house/car etc were bought. So, if everyone wants to travel, why don't they? Well it takes money, true... but here's what I've decided: Its just money. We spend our money on so many frivolous things throughout a year, that if we saved it instead, we could go on one great trip a year (or 2 depending on financial situation and lifes unexpected events). Why I've started thinking this way: My husband and I have always said from the time we got married that we wanted to travel when we retired. It was this long-away-in-the-future sort of dream that we aspired to attain... making sure we take care of things now so when that time comes we have the savings to travel the way we want. This is a decent plan but something changed our thinking. My parents wanted...
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