I watched them walk off together with a lump in my throat. They look so cute in their new backpacks, new shoes and clothes. There is an excitement about the first day of school that isn't like anything else. (They woke up early and ready for the first day before my alarm had a chance to yell at me!) While a lot of Mothers are excited for this day, when they have peace and quiet, I dread it. I am so happy and excited for them but there is this emotion Im not sure how to describe. Its hard to watch my kids become independent. Its hard to let them go, to grow up. Its not that I don't want them to, (I'd be worried if they didn't) its just that moments like today, the first day of school, make me realize the saying "Time Flies" is not just a saying. Its a fact. They were feeling so "grown up" today it breaks my heart and makes me smile all at the same time! I struggle with finding peace with letting them stay in the care of someone el...
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