I've known I was adopted for as long as I can remember. I am very grateful for this because had it been kept a secret, I would've had some resentment towards my parents. Throughout my entire life, the curiosity about my birth mother and potential birth family has always been there. The desire to find my birth family has come and gone. Recently, I had a DNA test done to find out my ethnicity which was a surprisingly emotional event for me. It felt so good to know SOMETHING about my background. Someone asked me recently why I wanted to find my birthmother. To be honest, throughout my life, my reasoning and motivations for wanting to know have been all over the map. At times it was simple curiosity, who do I look like? Who do I get my talents from? There have been times when I have wanted to know for medical reasons. Other times have been far deeper and impossible to explain. I can list several reasons but the point is, there is always...
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