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Finding my Birth Mother

I've known I was adopted for as long as I can remember.  I am very grateful for this because had it been kept a secret, I would've had some resentment towards my parents.

Throughout my entire life, the curiosity about my birth mother and potential birth family has always been there.  The desire to find my birth family has come and gone.

Recently, I had a DNA test done to find out my ethnicity which was a surprisingly emotional event for me.  It felt so good to know SOMETHING about my background.

Someone asked me recently why I wanted to find my birthmother. 
To be honest, throughout my life, my reasoning and motivations for wanting to know have been all over the map.  At times it was simple curiosity, who do I look like?  Who do I get my talents from?
There have been times when I have wanted to know for medical reasons. Other times have been far deeper and impossible to explain.
I can list several reasons but the point is, there is always a part of me that wants to know.

I've imagined hundreds of different scenarios of how it could go.  Happy ones, awful ones, emotional ones and so on.

Lately, the desire to find birth family has become strong again and I just wanted to write out this desire in this way.

I also wanted to tell all parents of adopted children that your child will question this portion of their life at some point and that it should never be taken personally.
I have always been curious and wanted to know many different things but never for the sake or motive of wanting a different family. 
I am thankful for the home I was raised in and the sister I ended up having to navigate through this thing called life with.  The desire and feeling an adopted child has in this department is difficult to explain but is natural to feel it.

I was going to try to write out the emotions and feelings this has been to me, but I am unable to find the correct words.  Instead, I would just love comments.
If you have been in my shoes and found birth family members, please comment how it went. 
If you have tips on how to make it happen, please share that as well.

I was born in Oklahoma on October 10th 1983.  All I know is that my birth mother wrote me a letter that I was given to read on my 16th birthday and she gave me a name that meant a lot to me.

Please share this and spread it, I feel compelled to try this tonight.


  1. There exists a reason (or more than one) why your B-mother has never chosen to seek you out. IT may be a good one, or not...perhaps guilt-pangs or shyness or emotional instability. BUT, for whatever the preventative state, she reckons it better to NOT make contact. I would respect her wishes in this regard...and look forward to a reunion in the next life.
    [These thoughts have been passed on to me, on a few occasions, by people I have known, who were in a identical crossroads, as your well as them knowing that I never knew my actual B-father. ] 💋


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