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When I met Grant

I remember the day I met Grant Campbell.  I was checking on my son who was playing in the yard at our new house.  As I rounded the corner, I saw him talking over the fence to a guy I didn't know.  The guy was very tall, had tattoos head to toe and I was instant nervous-mama.

I should have known that my sweet child was a better judge of character than I was. 

That man he was chatting with was Grant Campbell, our neighbor and later our friend.

A few days after, Grant and his wife Michelle brought over a little "welcome to the neighborhood" gift and that's when the friendship was born.

They became fast friends.  The guys would go shooting, us girls would have daily chats, coffee and shopping trips together. 

They eventually moved from next to us to across the street.  How fun it was to help them plan out their dreams for this house!

There were many hours of dinners, chats, phone calls over the next years that created a deep bond between us.

Then one day they had to move.   I was sad about it but in a bit of denial... Its like my brain couldn't accept that they would really be moving across the country.  It was hard to accept that I wouldn't see Michelle and Mason every day.......That Grant and Brent couldn't just take off and hunt coyotes.

A few days after they were moved, it set in... and I was crushed to realize the fact was actually fact.  Oh how I've come to miss them!

So tonight, as my dear friend Michelle called to tell me that Grant had passed away in a horrible accident.... the same happened... I was in denial/disbelief for hours... trying to put together how this tall, strong, sweet man could be taken from us so soon.....

I sometimes have to write out my thoughts to truly understand and feel them so this is my way...

I still sit here unable to fully process this news... Its a complete shock and an unreal thing.  The miles between us now feel like continents.  I want to be there with her and comfort her.. This loss is so great, so earth-moving, so hard to accept... my heart is broken.

When it starts setting in that this person you loved is actually gone, you start to reflect and remember things.  Grant was a great cook... he made incredible sauces from scratch and would correct anyone who used "BBQ" incorrectly! He had the biggest heart and cared for people in a big way.... cant believe he's gone.

Life is fleeting.  Its too short.  Those we love are so precious, so worthy of our time and patience and forgiveness. 
News like this, so shocking, earth-changing and painful, causes us to pause and reflect and refocus on what's important.

Hug your loved ones a bit tighter. Take time for one another.  Don't take so much for granted. 

These words are more for me than anyone even reading.


  1. so very sorry for your loss & I think of his very sad wife how she is grieving true we need to let love be our banner & not only take the time but make it when we feel we don't have it. It's important!!

  2. You are in my thoughts. Thank you for sharing your heart, Laureen.


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