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Showing posts from August, 2016

It's Ok to not be OK. OK?

Sometimes we go through life trying to be strong and unwavering. I like to keep it together and be "ok" with everything.  I have found security in the façade of "everything's fine".  I have had to recently give myself permission to not be ok. Sometimes experiences are simply too big, or too hard to "float on through".  It's ok to not be ok all the time. I know that vulnerability can bring growth that other conditions can't. I have learned that hiding struggles makes them harder sometimes.  Being real. Being open. Being honest.  This comes at a price but is so worth it for some experiences. Sharing our struggles with others can sometimes help.  It's ok to let your guard down sometimes and simply be real.  Be vulnerable and accept that you are not ok.  Yet.  But you will be. People may not understand what we are going through or understand the need to share it.  That's ok.  They don't have to. I am learning ...

Meeting My Birth Mom Part 2: The Gifts

After the initial meeting and conversation with my Bio Mom and her Husband, we met again to spend a majority of the following day together. This day didn't start as smoothly as the first, but there were still so many parts of the day that were like little gifts for me to open. Throughout this period of time of getting to know one another, I was able to see glimpses into the life of my bio grandparents and mom.  This is a gift I treasure. I was able to learn of some of the hardships that were overcome by previous generations and present ones.  A gift. I heard tales of tragedy, redemption and growth.  A gift. It's like I was taken on a little journey of continued discovery about the threads that make up part of the fabric that I am, that my Bio Mom is, and where some of our strength to endure comes from. Even as she would tell stories about her parents and grandparents, hearing her tell them, gave me more clarity on who she is as well. How she remembers things, ...