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Showing posts from April, 2017

A Poem for Tom

A man driven by his love for family and faith, dedicated, unwavering. Content with the background, Where he often was found. Tom shared his heart, His care, all around. Life dealt him cards that could seem unfair, But he didn’t lament or cry in despair. He trusted the One to lead guide, To protect the light, he had inside. Tom’s contagious laugh was one of the best Whenever something was done or said in jest. If he smiled at you, it felt like a gift, His sweet blue eyes, with joy would be lit. His boys tell stories of long road trips Crammed in a car, jokes and bits. How his walk would change to tell the tale, If Tom got a hotel room on sale. Tom was lucky to find a love so true, By his side the whole way through. As much as she loved him with her whole heart, He loved her too, until death did they part. Tom was a hard worker, in his work he took pride He was respected by those he worked alongside. He served his country, ...

Yes, Go to that Funeral. It's Important!

I know people who say "I don't go to funerals". I get it. Sometimes they are uncomfortable. Sometimes they are painful. No one WANTS to feel those things, but I want to tell you why it's important and valuable to be there during those times. First of all, funerals aren't for the deceased, they are for the ones left behind. The ones who loved the deceased. The ones who are faced with loss. Let me tell you what your presence at a funeral can mean. It can mean "I am here because I care about you and the loss you are feeling" It can mean " I am here because the person who has passed meant a lot to me" It can mean "I am here because I've felt a similar pain". You may think your presence at a day like this doesn't have an impact but I can tell you from experience that it does. Those who take time to come share in a last farewell mean more to the family than can be put in to words. Even if you don't k...