I've seen and heard, more than once, people arguing the abortion topic and this "unwanted baby" keeps coming up. People are making the case that just because you are against abortion doesn't mean you are "pro-life", that babies who are unwanted or improperly cared for don't actually "live", at least not fully. I am not wanting to get into a debate over abortion, I have very passionate views about that, but don't need to argue them. I just find these comments cut through me and are something I can't get out of my head. It causes a train of thought that is deeply personal for me and for many people I know and care about. My birthfather was born to parents that didn't want a baby. Timing, relationship, all of it was wrong. I was born to a woman who didn't want a baby. Both situations were one of the "examples" people sometimes use as a reason for abortion. "They have their whole life ahead of them.....
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