I've seen and heard, more than once, people arguing the abortion topic and this "unwanted baby" keeps coming up.
People are making the case that just because you are against abortion doesn't mean you are "pro-life", that babies who are unwanted or improperly cared for don't actually "live", at least not fully.
I am not wanting to get into a debate over abortion, I have very passionate views about that, but don't need to argue them.
I just find these comments cut through me and are something I can't get out of my head.
It causes a train of thought that is deeply personal for me and for many people I know and care about.
My birthfather was born to parents that didn't want a baby.
Timing, relationship, all of it was wrong.
I was born to a woman who didn't want a baby.
Both situations were one of the "examples" people sometimes use as a reason for abortion.
"They have their whole life ahead of them.."
"Not ready"
"Too young"
"Will ruin their life.."
"can't afford to give them a good life..."
so on and so forth.
So sometimes I think, had that choice been made after my birthfather was conceived, I wouldn't be here.
Had that choice been made after I was conceived, my children wouldn't be here.
I don't believe I have made any huge impact on the world by simply being in it, but I do know that there are some whose entire worlds have been changed because my birthfather and myself exist.
When I think about how badly my parents wanted a child and how much joy flooded their hearts when they got the call that I was born, I am thankful that while my story didn't begin with being wanted, I was placed with those who DID want me.
When I look at my children, and think about how much they were wanted, from the very moment their existence was known, I am so thankful that they never have to question if they are wanted.
They know they are.
I guess I just don't understand why adoption can't be promoted.
In a perfect world, people would abstain from sex if they weren't ready/able to raise children, but in the event something happens, adoption is a beautiful solution.
I personally know multiple families who have had to try so hard to have a child or save to be able to afford adoption.
I know of several "unplanned" children who could be considered unwanted because they came too late in life.
You know what I have seen?
Those babies end up changing the dynamic of an entire family and it's in a positive way.
Don't let an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy be an excuse.
There are people who want children but can't have their own. They want, desperately, a child to love.
Every child should be wanted.
Every baby should be loved.
People are making the case that just because you are against abortion doesn't mean you are "pro-life", that babies who are unwanted or improperly cared for don't actually "live", at least not fully.
I am not wanting to get into a debate over abortion, I have very passionate views about that, but don't need to argue them.
I just find these comments cut through me and are something I can't get out of my head.
It causes a train of thought that is deeply personal for me and for many people I know and care about.
My birthfather was born to parents that didn't want a baby.
Timing, relationship, all of it was wrong.
I was born to a woman who didn't want a baby.
Both situations were one of the "examples" people sometimes use as a reason for abortion.
"They have their whole life ahead of them.."
"Not ready"
"Too young"
"Will ruin their life.."
"can't afford to give them a good life..."
so on and so forth.
So sometimes I think, had that choice been made after my birthfather was conceived, I wouldn't be here.
Had that choice been made after I was conceived, my children wouldn't be here.
I don't believe I have made any huge impact on the world by simply being in it, but I do know that there are some whose entire worlds have been changed because my birthfather and myself exist.
When I think about how badly my parents wanted a child and how much joy flooded their hearts when they got the call that I was born, I am thankful that while my story didn't begin with being wanted, I was placed with those who DID want me.
When I look at my children, and think about how much they were wanted, from the very moment their existence was known, I am so thankful that they never have to question if they are wanted.
They know they are.
When I think about those who are raised in an environment where they are reminded everyday that they are unwanted, it breaks my heart.
I guess I just don't understand why adoption can't be promoted.
In a perfect world, people would abstain from sex if they weren't ready/able to raise children, but in the event something happens, adoption is a beautiful solution.
I personally know multiple families who have had to try so hard to have a child or save to be able to afford adoption.
I know of several "unplanned" children who could be considered unwanted because they came too late in life.
You know what I have seen?
Those babies end up changing the dynamic of an entire family and it's in a positive way.
Don't let an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy be an excuse.
Obviously, the perfect solution is to have children born to parents who love and want them.
Adoption has some drawbacks for the child, true, but it is still a perfect alternative to abortion.
There are people who want children but can't have their own. They want, desperately, a child to love.
Every child should be wanted.
Every baby should be loved.
Based on the arguments/comments I have seen lately, I should have been aborted.
My birthmother wasn't in a place she could give me a good life.
Instead of ending a life, she gave me one, with a family who wanted a baby.
I was an unwanted baby.
I am thankful to be alive.
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