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Showing posts from July, 2021

I get his sour cream and lemons

"Want my lemon?" He used to always ask this when his iced tea came with lemon.  He doesn't like it, but I love lemon in my water. "Want my sour cream?" He doesn't like sour cream, and when it came on a dish he had ordered, he would ask if I wanted it. The other day, we were at a restaurant and I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back to the table, I noticed in my absence, he had put his lemon in my water and sour cream on my enchiladas. No longer any need to ask.  He knows me that well. When you are married a long time, there is a comfortable-ness that happens.  Sometimes this feels like something to be sad about, like your relationship has become almost boring. There is an excitement in the beginning of any new relationship that is special. Learning all about a new person, having them care to learn about you, is special and fun! Sometimes, when watching a romantic scene or movie, there is this thought, "I miss those days of butterflies and new rom...