At three days old, I was abandoned. Discarded. Cast aside. Unwanted. This is true. This is how my story began. My birthmother didn't want me and gave me up. At three days old, I was adopted. Chosen. Wanted. Loved. This is true. This is how my story began. My parents were told they couldn't have kids due to some medical issues. They chose to adopt, and when they got the call I was born, they were happy and excited to pick up this brand new baby girl! What we focus on in life, effects our perspective and attitude. It can affect our relationships, success and health. I could have spent my entire childhood, focused on being discarded, worthless, unwanted. Instead, a good portion of the time I chose to think I had been chosen and this made me special. This isn't to say I didn't have struggles with those feelings of abandonment from biological family, I definitely did. I also had struggles with trust and extreme vulnerability in relationships. But it wasn't my focus s...
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