No. One. Cares. Sounds harsh, but it's true in many applications. I recently changed jobs and it has been humbling and eye opening. I worked at a place where I gave so much of my time, my heart and my energy. I worked on vacations, checked my work email every day no matter what day of the week or where I was, (much to my husband's annoyance and worry). I worried about situations that were beyond my control. I cared about every detail of our employees lives, sometimes losing sleep over their loss, hardships and struggles. When I left, it was like someone hit me upside the head with the realization that my leaving had little to no impact. (It's a place I am still involved in but in a small way, so I see how it continues to run.) This is not a pity party at all, it was so good to realize and see first hand, that I was replaceable. Easily. While our lives can have impact day to day and make a difference in the lives we interact with, it's not as big of an impact as w...
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