Sounds harsh, but it's true in many applications.
I recently changed jobs and it has been humbling and eye opening.
I worked at a place where I gave so much of my time, my heart and my energy.
I worked on vacations, checked my work email every day no matter what day of the week or where I was, (much to my husband's annoyance and worry).
I worried about situations that were beyond my control.
I cared about every detail of our employees lives, sometimes losing sleep over their loss, hardships and struggles.
When I left, it was like someone hit me upside the head with the realization that my leaving had little to no impact. (It's a place I am still involved in but in a small way, so I see how it continues to run.)
This is not a pity party at all, it was so good to realize and see first hand, that I was replaceable. Easily.
While our lives can have impact day to day and make a difference in the lives we interact with, it's not as big of an impact as we may think.
The biggest realization for me in the last few years is this: Nobody cares.
Not in the way I thought they did.
The reason this was so important to experience is it was a wake up call to reset my idea of what work ethic is.
It was a warning to reevaluate how I spend my time and energy in life.
A job is a job and it is important to do it well, but it is not something that should harm your health.
Nobody cares.
The people who care about you and will forever, are the ones we should be giving our best to.
I've spent so much of my life worried about what people thought of me, what they said about me, etc.
Why would I care so much about that, when they didn't care?
Ethel Barrett said, " We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do."
This understanding hurt at first. The realization that those I care for and the things I cared about weren't reciprocated, was painful.
While this can seem like a negative about life and relationships, I am learning that there is something so freeing in accepting it!
Nobody cares.
Why are you harming yourself for those who don't care and who are temporary in your life?
Instead of it just being a negative or hurtful thought, I am learning to see it as a positive.
Nobody cares! Truly!
So stop living for them!
I shouldn't have ever been living for anyone else in the first place, and realizing how little the majority cares, makes it easier.
If you find yourself in a place that is toxic, or harming your mental, emotional and physical health: Get out!
No one cares.
You are free!
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