A little over a year ago, I made an intentional decision to give meaningful effort and energy to people who meant a lot to me. I was changing jobs and was going to be seeing some of these people less and was feeling that in a big way. I invited them to my home for a fun gathering. I wrote a personalized message to each of them sharing what they meant to me, and gave it with a small gift. Following that, I made efforts to reach out, dropping gifts by their homes, sending notes, texts, flowers etc. Then I gradually eased off, seeing who responded. The majority didn't. While this was to be expected, it was also disappointing. During this time, I started building new relationships. Then, a big unexpected move happened. Again, it was going to change who I saw on the regular basis. I wanted to keep connection. I wanted them in my life. So I wrote, texted, sent gifts, etc. Some responded, some reciprocated, but most didn't. And then it hit me. If I am doing these ...
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