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Showing posts from September, 2013

World Peace

Whenever I've heard this uttered, "I wish for world peace", the thing that runs through my mind every time is this: "Ain't never gonna happen!" I understand the desire for World Peace and I believe it is possible:  You BET its possible... if every single person in the whole world was selfless, there would be world peace. Someone said to me once "It all boils down to selfishness", we were discussing another topic, but I've been thinking about this since then.  If every one was self less... there would be world peace.  No more divorces, no more corrupt politicians, corrupt business etc etc. Sound too simple to be true? Stop and think about it, if you trace a broken marriage back to where the problems began, one party (or both) were choosing themselves over their spouse... if both parties were putting the other one first, or at least considering the other as equally important as themselves,  the marriage would last. Businesses/politician...

A Few Tips for Living on Less

When I made the decision to stay home with our first baby, it added some stress and challenges to our financials.  While I had been working full time, we were still struggling at times to make ends meet.. Now I felt I needed to stay home with our babies and this meant cutting our income in half. Here's a few things I learned in order to keep our heads above water: 1. Don't be afraid of used. On a super tight budget, #Goodwill and Yard sales are the BEST way to go for clothing, toys and household items. Yard sales! Garage Sales!  Multiple choices less than $1!  LOVE THEM! If you wait until a yard sale has been opened for awhile, you will get even better deals on already cheap stuff... At this point they just don't want to have to pack it all up.  This is when "Stuff your bag for a dollar" happens!  I can get a LOT of clothes in one grocery bag! :)  Books $0.25 each???  My kids had lots and lots of books and I never, EVER, paid more than $2...

Basic 5 things for Casseroles

I have at times, been called the "Casserole Queen".  I can make a casserole out of almost anything and have earned this habit through necessity.  Living in the country, nearest grocery store miles away, causes you to become creative!  So here is a list of the few things I  always have on hand to live up to the "Casserole Queen" name! 1. Cream of "something" soups..           I always have at least 1 each: cream of chicken, cream of mushroom and cream of celery.            If Cream of potato or golden mushroom are on sale I sometimes grab these as well. 2. Always have potatoes, rice, quinoa and pasta on hand.  (whatever your preferences)          I am in the habit of every time I grocery shop to grab at least one off this list. 3. Keep one bag of your favorite cut of chicken.      ...

man in the mirror

"No message could've been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change!"  Michael Jackson song. This is running through my head today.  I LOVE this song, the music, harmony, choir at the end... but most of all I love the lyrics. "I'm starting with the man in the mirror.... I'm asking him to change his ways." Sometimes we feel the need to complain about everything going on in the world and everyone who is making bad choices or doing wrong to us... but really, to change our lives starts with us.  And ironically, that's the only thing we CAN change! So as Michael said "C'mon, make that change!"


Those who know me know that when it comes to coffee, we are like soul mates.  To describe what coffee is to me is a difficult thing.  cup o' happiness Its a cup of bliss.... a pick me up.. a calm me down, a wake me up, a relaxation mug, a conversation staple, a dessert companion, a savory scent, a quiet moment... Whether hot and black, hot and sweet, iced and sweet, blended or baked with, it's pleasure. One "cup of joe" can represent comfort, goodness, warmth, and more. From the moment grounds and hot water meet, causing that incredible aroma and wonderful sound of coffee brewing (sweet music), to the moment I take the first sip.... its more to me than a beverage.  Coffee is more than a staple, its in a sense an essence of life. When you want to give me grief for my coffee "addiction", just understand, its never just a "cup of joe" its a cup of bliss, pure bliss.  I'd rather enjoy my cup of bliss than a fine dessert any day, alt...


Everyone has a different idea of what "successful" means. Some people feel if they start and run a profitable business.. This is success... Others feel successful if they've acquired all the things they've dreamed of.  Some feel success when other people think of them as successful. Some just wish to change one life in a positive way.  All these are types of success. I was asked in an interview a while ago if I thought I was successful... I answered immediately "yes"  and so then the following question was "why? What makes you feel successful?". I was a little baffled as to why my instant response was "yes". You could look at me and notice that I'm not a successful housecleaner, yard keeper, money maker, CEO etc.  Striving for success in areas of finance, home, business and so on are all great things... but when I say I feel successful its not because I have conquered ANY one of these areas.. Have I sometimes wished I had ...

An adult.... now what?!

When I was about 11 years old, I would sit and dream of the day when I would be old enough to drive.... O MAN!  The freedoms that would come with my ability to drive!  I knew I would have it all if only I have the opportunity to drive.  It seemed FOREVER away and I remember my mother would say to me "it'll be here soon enough, patience..".  In my head I would think "yeah, mom... sure is taking its time to get here!". Then my 16th birthday arrived.. FINALLY, I was able to DRIVE!  The weird thing was, even though yes, there was freedom in driving, I also inherited these crazy things called bills. Gas, insurance, oil changes, washer fluid, the list seemed endless. Even so, I found myself looking ahead to even MORE freedom, turning 18!  Then I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted... that was when it would all be perfect!  I couldn't WAIT to graduate high school and be a grown up. The day after graduation, I moved out... I was an adu...
New Chapter. I am suddenly at a place in life where there are changes... changes that are exciting and changes that make me sad.  Almost 7 years ago we welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world and everything changed. I resigned from a job I loved, settled into the role of a stay at home mommy.... 18 months later, we added another bouncing baby, this one a girl.  Not once have I ever regretted this decision to be home with my children, I would do it all over again the same way in a heartbeat...  but there is a part of me that was put on hold during this time. My life consisted of caring for them each and every minute of every day... trying to save some part of me for when my husband came home and occasionally finding time for myself. Now the new chapter.... School. Most parents face the day when their children are in school all day everyday as a GLORIOUS occurrence... I faced this day with dread and sadness.  It's as if this marked...