Whenever I've heard this uttered, "I wish for world peace", the thing that runs through my mind every time is this: "Ain't never gonna happen!"
I understand the desire for World Peace and I believe it is possible: You BET its possible... if every single person in the whole world was selfless, there would be world peace.
Someone said to me once "It all boils down to selfishness", we were discussing another topic, but I've been thinking about this since then.
If every one was self less... there would be world peace. No more divorces, no more corrupt politicians, corrupt business etc etc.
Sound too simple to be true? Stop and think about it, if you trace a broken marriage back to where the problems began, one party (or both) were choosing themselves over their spouse... if both parties were putting the other one first, or at least considering the other as equally important as themselves, the marriage would last.
Businesses/politicians become corrupt when they want more for themSELF.... (Is there even such a thing as a selfless politician??)
Wars, why are they started?? One country/leader wanting what another has... selfishness.
Being selfless can open up yourself to getting hurt.. this is true.. but it can also inspire others to be selfless as well.
So we may not ever witness World Peace, but we can choose to have Inner Peace... By choosing to make unselfish choices, there can be peace within ourselves, our families and so on.
I wish for inner peace, within my heart and soul, to positively affect those around me and promote the same peace in them.
just a little rambling tonight, before I head to bed... thanks for stopping by and reading!
I understand the desire for World Peace and I believe it is possible: You BET its possible... if every single person in the whole world was selfless, there would be world peace.
Someone said to me once "It all boils down to selfishness", we were discussing another topic, but I've been thinking about this since then.
If every one was self less... there would be world peace. No more divorces, no more corrupt politicians, corrupt business etc etc.
Sound too simple to be true? Stop and think about it, if you trace a broken marriage back to where the problems began, one party (or both) were choosing themselves over their spouse... if both parties were putting the other one first, or at least considering the other as equally important as themselves, the marriage would last.
Businesses/politicians become corrupt when they want more for themSELF.... (Is there even such a thing as a selfless politician??)
Wars, why are they started?? One country/leader wanting what another has... selfishness.
Being selfless can open up yourself to getting hurt.. this is true.. but it can also inspire others to be selfless as well.
So we may not ever witness World Peace, but we can choose to have Inner Peace... By choosing to make unselfish choices, there can be peace within ourselves, our families and so on.
I wish for inner peace, within my heart and soul, to positively affect those around me and promote the same peace in them.
just a little rambling tonight, before I head to bed... thanks for stopping by and reading!
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