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Showing posts from September, 2014

Good Grief!

Time heals all things..... we've heard this often. Time heals a broken heart... Time heals a grieving heart... Time heals wounds... Yes, this is true.   A few days ago I wrote a blog post about intense emotions that were consuming me.  Intense sadness, grief, loss and a mixture of other confusing emotions.. As time passes, I find that there is slowly but surely healing.  As much as it hurt to let the "dam burst", I am thankful the resistance was overcome because it started something within me I can only describe as healing. So it seems that grief can be good.... even though difficult. I hope these days/weeks have changed me to be a more caring, compassionate and understanding woman.  I feel I have so much love to give and share to others but haven't felt the freedom to let it out as I wish..... maybe now there will be more liberty in this. Grief is good..... even though so very hard. Once again, so thankful for each and every one who has tou...

Emotions....powerful and confusing

I find I am completely overwhelmed by a vast range of emotions these days...  I'm confused, broken and sad. Unfortunately, I wont be able to continue my spree of "not crying in public", something I have prided myself on for years... my ability to hold emotions in and keep them hidden and drowned out.  Don't let it show.... don't let yourself feel it. That's been my motto. Due to recent tragic events and a combination of overwhelming kindness shown to me.... there has been this undoing.  Its like a dam has broken and everything I've ever held in, or hidden is bursting through.  Its overwhelming and hard to understand all the emotions as they come rushing through. There are things from my past that have come to the surface that I never allowed myself to deal with... things I didn't fully grieve.... and all of the sudden, its like Im being forced to face, adjust and cry over many, many, things. I have had body shaking sobs, wailing and unable to...

A Poem for Grant

A hero is what you truly are, serving country both near and far. A husband, friend, and loving Dad. The fact you're gone makes us so sad. We'll miss your jokes and goofy smile, It's going to hurt for quite a while. More time with you we wish we had, but we have memories which makes us glad. Rest in peace our dear friend Grant, in our hearts you were a champ.

When I met Grant

I remember the day I met Grant Campbell.  I was checking on my son who was playing in the yard at our new house.  As I rounded the corner, I saw him talking over the fence to a guy I didn't know.  The guy was very tall, had tattoos head to toe and I was instant nervous-mama. I should have known that my sweet child was a better judge of character than I was.  That man he was chatting with was Grant Campbell, our neighbor and later our friend. A few days after, Grant and his wife Michelle brought over a little "welcome to the neighborhood" gift and that's when the friendship was born. They became fast friends.  The guys would go shooting, us girls would have daily chats, coffee and shopping trips together.  They eventually moved from next to us to across the street.  How fun it was to help them plan out their dreams for this house! There were many hours of dinners, chats, phone calls over the next years that created a deep bond betw...