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Don't "Shush" me!

I was watching a movie recently and there was a scene that made me laugh out loud.
A complete fit of the giggles.
It struck my funny bone in such a huge way I couldn't contain it.
One of the people I was with, leaned forward and said "shh! You're laughing really loud!".

First of all, I was not the only person in the room laughing.

Second of all.... DON'T SHUSH ME!

When I get excited, my voice gets loud.
I have tried for years to "censor" myself in this... WHY?!  Because many have "shushed" me in the past.

Here's the thing.

I have tried to make a conscious choice to live in the moment... To be true to who I am and what I feel.

Guess what?
This means I may sometimes laugh loudly.
This means I may jump up and shout with excitement.

This is just a silly example of "being shushed", but it has caused a train of thought that I can't seem to get out of my head.

Life is short.


Do we want to live in a way that is constantly worrying about how others will perceive us, robbing ourselves of the joy a particular moment can bring?

I do not want to live that way anymore.

This applies to everything, not just laughter.

What about sorrow?
Do we "shush" others when they are trying to share their grief, loss, or pain with us?
Maybe we feel uncomfortable with what they are going through because we can't relate or understand where they are coming from.  This doesn't mean we need to "shush" them so to speak.
Telling them to "get over it" or ignoring the pain they are experiencing is essentially "shushing" them.

I have been going through a lot of emotional moments this last year and processing through a lot of feelings, memories and struggles. Throughout this process, there have been those who want to discredit what I have been feeling. Those who don't understand what I am going through and therefore would rather I didn't share it or acknowledge it.

You don't have to understand what I am going through.
You don't even have to try and help/respond.
BUT, whatever you do, don't "shush" me!

As much as I want to be careful not to "shush" others, I also don't want to "shush" myself!

We've all done it.
Worried about how it will be perceived, what we're feeling, then held it in because of such fear.

I've been thinking a lot about this in regards to what I believe in.
Do I allow others to "shush" me in this?
Do I "shush" myself out of fear of perception?

If I can't stand up for what I believe in, why stand at all?

One of the things in our current society is social media.  A trend I see on there that drives me CRAZY, is when people have a difference of opinion to what has been posted, they argue, try to discredit, block, "un-friend" the person who posted what they did.


You don't have to like it.
You don't have to agree with it.
You don't even have to read it/acknowledge it.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret:  You can SCROLL PAST each post you don't like!
(I know, mind blown right? )

Each of us have a voice.
Each of us have an individual journey.
Who are we to say what another should or shouldn't feel/think/desire/believe?

I don't think we have that right.

I don't want to live in a way that hinders others from being who they are or in a way that inhibits me from being me.

Here's wishing you all the strength to laugh out loud, cry if needed and to not being "shushed"!

Live in the moment, once it's gone, it's gone.

No regrets.
That how I want to live.

These are just my random ramblings for the day.
Thanks for stopping by and reading.


  1. I only use my "Shusher" on the grandchildren because it makes them laugh :) Have you seen that movie...they love it and I love them! Never shush someone who is being themselves! Especially laughing....WoW!

  2. So well written, Lauren. I can identify. If everyone lived in "shush mode", this would be a pretty bleak world.

  3. For sure Bonnie! Thanks for reading.


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