The rainbow comes after the storm.
Sometimes the valley experience must be endured before the mountaintop moment is ours.
During the struggle, it is often difficult to understand the "why".
During the storm, it's easy to want to give up.
During the climb, the negative voices can seem like the most powerful thing we hear.
I'm currently enjoying a mountaintop experience and the view from here is so breathtaking, so full of hope and joy, I am bursting with it.
The journey to get here, hasn't been easy.
In fact, it was so difficult at times, it shattered parts of me.
As I find myself here, I am amazed at how quickly healing is coming to those shattered parts.
To be given an answer of "why" is incredible.
We don't always get to know the "why" for things that happen.
This particular experience has given me a "why" and I am beyond thankful.
To reach a point where the storm doesn't control you anymore, where the hurt begins to fade, is the point our hearts begin to mend.
That's where I am now.
I wish I could fully understand all that I feel so I could articulate it all.
I wish I could make it clear, how much those who held out a hand, shared words of encouragement, cried with me, mean to me. How instrumental they were in helping me get to this point.
The view here is one of hope and it's the most incredible gift I have been given and have not earned.
I feel unworthy.
I feel thankful.
I feel like I want to keep this view forever.
All the tears before now were painful, but worth it.
Now there are tears of all-consuming joy.
I can't believe I'm here.
I can't believe this is real.
I'm just loving this view.... so much.
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