As a parent one of the hardest things is watching your child deal with a broken heart.
Over the last few years my daughter has struggled with trying to understand why kids are mean.
Not just to her, but to anyone.
I have been trying to explain to her that sometimes in an effort to feel better about themselves, people look for ways to put down those around them. This is a sign of something wrong with them, not her.
I think she is starting to get it, but it's still a struggle sometimes.
One thing we know, and I keep telling our kids this, no matter what you do, what size you are, how talented, smart or funny you are, people will find something to mock or make fun of.
A genius who can solve mathematical equations in seconds, could be made fun of for the glasses he wears.
The girl who moves people to tears simply by singing, writes her own music and plays any instruments she touches, could be made fun of for being chubby.
Build a company from scratch, put hours and hours in over a course of years, and people will hate you for your success and try to discredit your having "earned" it.
You could be the best at what you do in your field and people will still pick at something.
The point is, be you.
If you try to be what you think "they" will like, guess what? They will STILL find something to criticize!
If you go through life that way you lose TWICE!
Not only are you still not pleasing "them", but you aren't pleasing yourself either.
Learning to not care what others think is the most liberating thing.
It is often the hardest though and one I am still trying to master.
If we are true to who we are, chase what fulfills our hearts and brings us peace, we will be happy.
We will still have critics, but their voices won't affect us.
If we live in a state of constantly adjusting who we are, what we do and what we pursue based on feedback of "them", we will lose our peace, joy, and happiness. We lose more than once.
Don't lose twice.
Our only limitations are ourselves, and if we let the voices of others change who we are and what we do, we've just limited the potential for success., pub-2714889844289291, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Over the last few years my daughter has struggled with trying to understand why kids are mean.
Not just to her, but to anyone.
I have been trying to explain to her that sometimes in an effort to feel better about themselves, people look for ways to put down those around them. This is a sign of something wrong with them, not her.
I think she is starting to get it, but it's still a struggle sometimes.
One thing we know, and I keep telling our kids this, no matter what you do, what size you are, how talented, smart or funny you are, people will find something to mock or make fun of.
A genius who can solve mathematical equations in seconds, could be made fun of for the glasses he wears.
The girl who moves people to tears simply by singing, writes her own music and plays any instruments she touches, could be made fun of for being chubby.
Build a company from scratch, put hours and hours in over a course of years, and people will hate you for your success and try to discredit your having "earned" it.
You could be the best at what you do in your field and people will still pick at something.
The point is, be you.
If you try to be what you think "they" will like, guess what? They will STILL find something to criticize!
If you go through life that way you lose TWICE!
Not only are you still not pleasing "them", but you aren't pleasing yourself either.
Learning to not care what others think is the most liberating thing.
It is often the hardest though and one I am still trying to master.
If we are true to who we are, chase what fulfills our hearts and brings us peace, we will be happy.
We will still have critics, but their voices won't affect us.
If we live in a state of constantly adjusting who we are, what we do and what we pursue based on feedback of "them", we will lose our peace, joy, and happiness. We lose more than once.
Don't lose twice.
Our only limitations are ourselves, and if we let the voices of others change who we are and what we do, we've just limited the potential for success., pub-2714889844289291, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
It’s your choice if you give them the power over your emotions. Also, they do it to get a reaction out of you. If you don’t react they will eventually quit and find someone else. Mike used to write on his sister’s bananas (yes with an ink pen funny things) and she would get all worked up. I told her to stop reacting and he would quit. She didn’t and he didn’t for a long time. Crazy how someone would get worked up over something so dumb.